Wednesday, May 17, 2017

A little play makes work easier:

Who says " I can't combine work and play together"?
     Looking out into the yard there is a small issue.  There is a stake that marks this property from the property next to it.
     It just sits there all alone, and someone ( not to mention who) kinda got a little close with the riding mower and bent it over.  Plus the grass grows around it which is just something else to weed eat around.  Putting my creative brain to work, what can I do here????
     Okay there is a lot of what some would call junk around here, my dad calls treasures.
  Hey how about this old tire, let me get some ideas from
     My dad thinks I am nuts, says you can't paint a tire..  Ha okay watch this.  Of course got some
RUST-OLEUM Ultra Cover  and a painting I did go.

     When It was all dried, off to the Dollar Store and picked up a colander and some fly swats.  I had to have a face and some ears.  I think it turned out pretty cute for my first attempt.
I did not think it was enough, and since I am not short of old tires around here, we got another layer.  This made it complete.
     I know that the absolute center of this cute little lady bug is the corner of the property line.  I can also just spray some weed killer around it and not have to worry with running over the marker with the mower.  Does that tell you what a wild driver I am on that thing..  LOL   
 Catch ya later! ~Sis