Sunday, March 4, 2018

One thing leads to another

     Have I mentioned that this place is a closed off hole out here in the woods.  There are so many things to do in order to make it a really nice place to live.  It has been completely un-kept forever, then, here I come with so many great idea’s.  Mind you, all ideas are great and easy in my mind until I actually put them into motion then oh my heck what was I thinking????  This for sure being where the “Catching Fireflies” comes in, what is it that is my main concern today, as things do change on a daily basis.
     Okay starting out with this project, I have one of dad's trailers parked out in the yard which has junk on it and seriously needs to be out of the weather; also I am still working on the "Barn Project".  As I do need to get a smaller trailer and the 4-wheeler out of the barn, so I can get to the inside and finish with it.  Where do I put these things?  It has been raining so much here lately that there is no possible way I can leave them just out.  Oh my a big sale at Harbor Freight  Check it out the Pressure Washer on sale, which I desperately need to clean that yearly algae off the house, then wow what is this- A Portable Carport

  This could solve my issue for the time being until I can get a permanent structure built.   Okay now where do I put it?  Again leading to something else that flashes.  I would love to put it out behind the barn, oh there is a tree there, which is hitting the roof of the barn and I wanted to take down anyway.  Or I could put between the barn and the carport,, but wait.... there is a big stump from a tree that I had already cut down and a cluster of trees that is a mess of about 4 trees growing together and all the limbs are dragging on the roof of barn as well.  I had already planned on taking these trees out anyway.  Okay I will just get them all cut down and be done with it.  Meantime mind you that the big box housing the portable carport is still in my SUV cause it is too heavy for me to take out and where am I going to put it?

     So my project begins,  all 4 of these trees are growing and leaning toward the carport, hmm must be careful how I do this cause it could take out the carport and maybe my car. Oh did I mention that I am doing this myself with no other help?  I started trimming some of the limbs off the trees to get them out of my way, then proceeded to cut one of the backside trees first.  I did tie the tree off with a rope putting tension on it so it would for sure fall the opposite direction.  Well now guess I am certainly not a lumberjack.  I cut the back two trees, doing the notch thing so they would fall away from the carport.  Yet the trees are so intertwined with each other that even being completely cut all the way through, the trees just stood there as they were.  One of them did fall, although it just moved off its own stump and sat on the ground next to itself.  Just scratching my head, what to do with this mess I just created?  

     Now with a rope on each tree in one direction and another rope in the back direction (my big concern is when they do fall where they are going to go).  I started cutting another notch in the back tree, almost all the way to the edge as I was about to stop and go to the outside, the dang tree started falling yet only stopped with it caught the blade of my chain saw in it.  Ahhhh!!  Okay a few deep breaths --- oh just take the blade out of the saw.  So now I am up on a ladder taking the chain saw apart so I can figure what to do next.  Finally mission accomplished, yet the tree is now sitting on my blade.  Ah ha! I got the limb saw and cut from the outside in to that notch being very careful not to hit the blade that is now embedded in the tree.  Yeah finally it fell--  okay only half way cause I had the rope from the other tree around this one pulling it backwards.  
     Okay getting the blade back on the saw, I started cutting a larger piece out and finally first tree was on the ground.  Alright had to redo all the ropes putting more tension on the second tree and did the same thing with cutting out a larger piece of the trunk. Tree #2 down.   Okay got those trees all cut into smaller pieces and moved out of the way, now for the last two.  These came down a bit easier since most of the limbs were gone that were holding the entire mess together.

     Getting to the end of this tree cutting process, now cutting all of it up to smaller pieces and getting it all taken over to the burn pile.  Well maybe, I might just be lazy and see if I can burn it all where it lays.  LOL! 

   Still remaining-- the stumps.  Most stump removal requires some stuff put into holes in the stump and wait about 6 weeks.  Do I have that much time or patience?  Certainly my question and still remaining as well- Where do I put my portable carport?  Oh did I mention that it is still in my car?  I do know that for an experienced person this would probably been an easy project, well now, I am just a little girl!
     And the saga continues......
== Catch ya later! ~Sis