Sunday, September 2, 2012

Agenda:  On with the agenda of filling my jar.
 Eating-  how- what- when.
      This is probably the hardest firefly to catch.  Keep in mind that I drive a big Semi-truck pulling 3 trailers on a daily basis.  I go nonstop for four hours out, turn around in about 25 minutes,  Picking up 3 more trailers and then it is a nonstop trip back home again.  What can I eat that is good and healthy for me and also safe while I am driving?  Forever I find myself doing the quick snack thing, with whatever I have that I can throw in my cooler.  Pretty much eating in bits and pieces all day just to kill the hunger.  Getting home late from running errands on the way home or a bad traffic or weather day.  On days that I am able to make it home at a good time is - yea! extra time today I can get things done around the house OR there is always a character that needs to level up or a Raid to run in World of WarCraft.
 Cooking -yuck! 
     Although I don't mind it, I am not one of those 'love to cook folks'.  I would always rather be doing anything else.  Grocery shopping is right along with the non love. Yet I am finding that in order to be eating better, it does take a bit of shopping and cooking.  I am really going to have to bite the bullet on this one.
     Earlier in life I have always kept in shape by just being me, doing things I really enjoy.  Played softball, volleyball, water skiing, swimming, bike riding, sports and fun stuff.  Never really into the, exercise to be doing it scene.  In fact the word exercise just seems to make me feel like work instead of play.  Not doing all the sports now, it is time to start thinking of it in a different manner.  Yep, it at times, will probably feel like work, yet the end goal is to keep feeling good and be in shape as I always was naturally, because of my activities.
  When starting to get in the habit of exercising, the question is where do I start?  What type is good at this age, that won't kill me and that is interesting and fun enough to keep me  motivated to continue. Not to mention the most important part- time to do it on a, hopefully, daily basis.
  And the Search is on.
 == Catch ya later! ~Sis

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