Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fighting the Fuzz

What is the fuzz?
Fuzz is stuff that grows between the muscles when the body is asleep or at rest.  The more the muscles are not stretched out the more fuzz that grows on the muscles, which  becomes more tough and harder to get rid of.

I realized that stretching helps to keep the muscles working well and why, here's a great video
Here's a Great Video

How I feel today ( am I fuzzed)
 I am here to tell you that my line of work is not the best for one's health.  I am what is called a Line Driver.  My duties include driving a truck from point A to B then back to A within a 10 hour period. Not to mention the fact that I got sucked into gaming...My physical activities have pretty much declined since the kids left home. Some days the body is just not what she used to be, getting out of bed all stiff, thinking that I should have worked out when I got home yesterday instead of sitting on the PC playing games.  Today I was discussing this with my daughter-in-law, whom is a Yoga instructor, she lead me to this video.  Oh my goodness am I fuzzed?  This is scary business.

2 week challenge:   I decided that since I am on this path with no turning back, I would for sure start here since stretching is so important.  For 2 weeks I am going to:

  • do deep stretches in the morning before I am off to work.
See you in 2 weeks with the results.

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